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11 May, 2014

Love Makes A Mother

"Love and sacrifice. It was love that led Christ to come to earth, and it was love that led Him to—and through—the cross. As women made in his image, we are called to love and serve those in our care, whether they are our physical or spiritual children. But truly loving and sacrificing for others is costly, in small and large ways."
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09 May, 2014

Hope for the Grieving Mom on Mother’s Day

"This year marks my second Mother’s Day. I am the mother of a loving, rambunctious toddler who loves to tell everyone he knows that he’ll be “two in June.” This year also marks my first Mother’s Day grieving the loss of a baby through miscarriage. I should be pregnant right now, and jokingly wondering how I’ll survive the impending summer heat with an enormous belly. On days like today, the loss is a little more palpable, a little more raw and real. I’m not anti-Mother’s Day by any means; it’s good and right to honor and celebrate the mothers in our lives. But if you’re grieving a loss, you may need some space to remember and reflect."

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27 Mar, 2014


"I used to think I had things under control. Life was a simple melody, and our home was an instrument that was easily tuned. And then we had kids. We learned about God’s sense of humor. Our melody turned into harmony, and the chords started to weave in and out of dissonance as we all learned to play together. . ."

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13 Mar, 2014

Marriage: A Mystery

"Wives are made to be a “helper-suitable” to their husbands. She is fit, tailor-made just for him. It is not good that he is alone, but that she is a helper to complete him. This is an especially hard task if we are depending on our own efforts, gifts, abilities or moods to serve another human being."
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