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12 Sep, 2014

Issue 3 Cover Release

In this autumn issue, "Branch," our focus is on the Body of Christ, and the fruit we bear as an extension of Jesus in this world. We are called to "branch out"—be fruitful, spread the Gospel, and be living examples of our Savior's love...
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22 Jul, 2014

Thank You: Issue 2

We are excited that Issue 2: Plant has made its way to the mailboxes of hundreds of women all over the world! We've received orders from all over the United States and several places overseas, including: England, Belgium, Germany, Singapore, Australia, Malaysia, Norway, and Canada ... Praise God for blessing us with yet another opportunity to encourage and challenge Christ-following women to know him more deeply. We are grateful for his continuous provision that has come through both reader support and the hard work of our contributors and team members.
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31 May, 2014

Issue One Corrections

"We want to continue to thank all of our readers, supporters, and staff who have contributed in one way or another to the success of our first issue. As this was our first print issue, we have been through a crash course in magazine publishing, and are continuing to learn along the way. Somewhere in the process of receiving submissions, editing, designing, and finalizing, there were errors that slipped through the cracks, and for that we must apologize. We stand for truth as a magazine, and it is of great importance to us that we represent truth well. In this particular case that includes . . ."
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